Pro (Lassiter): Vishous is a jerk because he put glitter in my bed.
Con (Tohr): I am not touching that one.
Pro (Lassiter): Glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts! It got everywhere-into places where I don’t need to shimmer!
Con (Tohr): Says he of the a$$-less chaps.
-Point/Counterpoint with Lassiter
The twelfth issue of JR Ward's newsletter, Caldwell Courier Journal, was issued February 4th, 2020 and can be found here.
Mentioned Characters[]
Missive From the Mansion[]
According to Beth, Rhage sat through Lassiter's 36-hour marathon of tearjerkers such as P.S., I Love You, Dying Young, Terms of Endearment, and Titanic in the theatre, although Rhage walked out of the last one.
Point/Counterpoint with Lassiter[]
Topic: Vishous is a Jerk
Donut of Victory: Chocolate with pink sprinkles
Opponent: Tohrment (Lassiter conned him into it by telling him it was Snickers vs Twix)
Judge: Vishous
Winner: Vishous
Agony Aunts[]
Hopeless in Romancelandia is upset their partner is making performative gestures on Valentine's Day. Naturally, Vishous and Mary agree on core principles, just not on the delivery.
Rhage's Popcorn Reviews[]
Since Rhage and Mary insist on watching unfamiliar shows and movies with Bitty, he's been bingeing Cheer with Bitty because he couldn't stop watching.