Black Dagger Brotherhood Wiki

"And as for a description of the Maker? No words, no syllables, not even memory that was still short-term could bring it forth. The only thing Jim kept coming back to was that the Bible was right in one respect- the Divine was so much greater than man, Mount Everest to a molehill, the Atlantic to a fishbowl, the cold of space compared to that of an ice cube. And even those comparisons failed." -Jim Heron after meeting his Maker[1]

There's a hierarchy of deities in the Black Dagger Brotherhood universe by JR Ward with the ultimate one being the Abrahamic god.

The Creator[]

He is the cosmic creator and father of The Scribe Virgin, The Omega, and Devina. Occasionally, he'll take alternative forms to interact with people on earth.

The Scribe Virgin[]

Daughter of the Father Creator, sister of The Omega and mother to Vishous and Payne. She is the creator of the vampire race and its off-shoot races like the Shadows and the sympaths.

The Omega[]

Son of the Father Creator, brother of The Scribe Virgin, and father to Lash.[2] He is the creator of theLessening Society.


Angel for the Father Creator who had fallen from grace, but was given a second chance and became a fully-fledged guardian angel once more after succeeding at a series of goodwill tasks. Conferred the powers of The Scribe Virgin upon her death, she picked Lassiter as her successor.


Devina is the equivalent of the devil who then takes the place of the Omega.

