Black Dagger Brotherhood Wiki

“The sense that in his mother’s view, he had let down his family just by being who he was… was a failure of acceptance that he was never going to get over. He just wanted to live, honestly and out front, with no apology. Like everyone else. To love who he loved, be who he was… but society had a different standard.” -Blaylock

Lover at Last is the eleventh novel of The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. It is follows Lover Reborn and precedes The King. In the Fallen Angels series, it falls between Rapture and Possession. Fallen Angels is a separate series that takes place in the same universe as The Black Dagger Brotherhood and shares locations, lore, and characters. It takes place concurrently with the main series and each book was published alternately with the main series, but chronologically the series more or less takes place at the same time as Lover Unleashed.

Qhuinn and Blay finally get their story told as the Brotherhood is dealing with machinations against the King, who has big plans that will shake the very foundations of the race.


Qhuinn, son of no one, is used to being on his own. Disavowed from his bloodline, shunned by the aristocracy, he has found an identity as a brutal fighter in the war against the Lessening Society. But his life is not complete. Even as the prospect of having a family of his own seems within reach, he is empty on the inside, his heart given to another.... 

Blay, after years of unrequited love, has moved on from his feelings for Qhuinn. And it’s about time: it seems Qhuinn has found his perfect match in a Chosen female, and they are going to have a young. It’s hard for Blay to see the new couple together, but building your life around a pipe dream is just a heartbreak waiting to happen. And Qhuinn needs to come to terms with some dark things before he can move forward…

Fate seems to have taken these vampire soldiers in different directions, but as the battle over the race’s throne intensifies, and new players on the scene in Caldwell create mortal danger for the Brotherhood, Qhuinn learns the true meaning of courage, and two hearts meant to be together finally become one.    

Main Characters[]

Other Characters[]

Black Dagger Brotherhood Members[]

Others - Speaking Roles[]

Mentioned or non-Speaking Roles[]



Readers should be aware that this book contains drug use, kidnapping, attempted rape, pseudo-cheating, and miscarriage.

Reminder that this wiki contains spoilers so please proceed with caution.


In a flashback to when he was a pretrans, Qhuinn came home from a weekend with Blaylock to find that his family had gotten him out of the house so that he wouldn't curse his brother's transition with his presence. Because of his heterochromia, his mother made him use the servant's stairs instead of the main ones. The maids, following the cues of the family, refused to touch his clothes so he had to do his own laundry. Blaylock heard the news and calls Qhuinn who tells hims about seeing Luchas' signet ring, something which all males of the glymera receive after their transition. He knows he'll never get one and is utterly depressed knowing his family will never accept him, let alone love him. Blay begs him not to do anything drastic, but Qhuinn just says he has to go and hangs up.

Chapter 1[]

Jonsey is a drug dealer waiting at a bus stop so he can get to a Lessening Society induction with another recruit. They're admiring a Hummer parked in front of a CVS across the street, which the other recruit steals instead of taking the bus.

John Matthew and Qhuinn are grabbing snacks at a CVS and when they leave, they find Qhuinn's Hummer's gone.

Chapter 2[]

Even though he's just had sex with Saxton, Blaylock's spun up over Qhuinn having had sex with Layla. Saxton can tell Blay's still in love with Qhuinn and knows that their relationship doesn't really have a future.

Qhuinn calls Vishous to get the GPS coordinates of his Hummer and is forced to admit that he left the keys inside when he went inside the store, which earns him no end of ribbing from V. Ghosting to the location and pissed as all hell, Qhuinn dematerializes onto the hood of the SUV. The driver swerves instinctively to avoid and Qhuinn's thrown into a tree as the vehicle rolls.

Chapter 3[]

After having been offered the job by the Omega, a lesser, C-Rider, kills the current Fore-lesser for being an out of control drug addict with no leadership capabilities whatsoever. He finds that the Society has almost no assets left.

Chapter 4[]

Layla is certain that she's experiencing a miscarriage.

Tohrment and Blaylock take the Brotherhood's tow truck to get the Hummer and Blay's on tenterhooks the entire time that Qhuinn and John Matthew are in danger or injured. He panics when he sees the SUV upside down with two bodies inside, but calms when John Matthew whistles to get his attention where he's sitting on the roadside with Qhuinn, who's acting strangely. Although he has no obvious injuries, they suspect a concussion. John Matthew fills them in on what happened, which garners more laughter.

The two humans inside are dead. They flip the Hummer back over and hook it up on the truck.

Chapter 5[]

Tohrment dematerializes home, leaving the trio to cram into the truck together. Qhuinn tries to apologize to Blaylock about Layla and give him context, but Blay cuts him off and tells him not to bother since Saxton's giving him all he needs, every day, all day; as far as he's concerned, they're just coworkers. At that point, Qhuinn demands John pull the truck over, which he does before Qhuinn pulverizes the dash. Qhuinn gets out and starts walking. After a minute, John points out to Blay that they're on the same stretch of road where the honour guard almost killed Qhuinn. Blay follows after Qhuinn, who explains that he doesn't want Blay to think that he's in love with Layla. The two of them only want young and before that, he hadn't had sex in almost a year; an almost unbelievable feat for the male. Blay tells him that he's moved on from childish crushes. He's not convinced that Qhuinn's not in love since it would be typical for him to be in denial as an attempt to distance himself from Layla because if she is carrying his young, then that's more emotion and personal connection than Qhuinn is normally comfortable with.

Chapter 6[]

Trez's sex addiction causes some drama with a human woman whose memory he didn't erase and she became territorial.

Chapter 7[]

Xcor doesn't know if Wrath survived the assassination attempt. Throe arranges for the Band of Bastards to feed and, assuming it's a trap, Xcor makes plans accordingly. He feels undeserving of Layla, whom he can't stop thinking of, and wonders where she is or if she was punished for helping him even though she was unaware of his true identity.

Chapter 8[]

Blaylock, John Matthew, and Qhuinn dump the human corpses in a remote sinkhole and when they go through the backpacks with them, they find jars that would serve well in which to keep a lesser's heart.

Saxton's finally finished with a project he's been working on for Wrath for months.

Chapter 9[]

Sola Morte cross-country skis to Assail's during the day to spy on him, but has problems seeing past the special shutters into the house.

Chapter 10[]

Blaylock's considering moving out of the mansion so he doesn't have to see Qhuinn and Layla together. He goes to workout, but Qhuinn's already there and he notices how hungrily Blaylock is watching him, which he finds confusing since Blay just told him that they're no more than coworkers.

Chapter 11[]

In the locker room, Blay walks in on Qhuinn masturbating. He retreats into a classroom and does the same.

iAm tries an intervention on Trez for his sex addiction and they end up arguing over his responsibilities to the s'Hisbe.

Chapter 12[]

Vishous confirms that the gun Xhex retrieved matches the casing of the round that shot Wrath.

Saxton warns the king that the changes he wants to make, such as opening up the Brotherhood to those who are worthy of it without being of the proper bloodlines, could destabilize his rule. Wrath already has a male in mind and wants "the boys" honoured.

Qhuinn remembers the honour guard, his brother's involvement in it, and nearly dying.

Chapter 13[]

Saxton's moving out of Blaylock's room and back into his own room down the hall. He's been fooling himself and knows that he can't continue loving a male who's in love with someone else. Blay holds him and apologizes and Saxton forgives him, asks him to forgive himself for not loving Saxton in return.

Assail wakes up and watches the video footage of someone swathed in white scoping out his place. Knowing that there's only one possible person who would do that during the day, he goes to confront Ricardo Benloise about the intruder on his property and they duel with words and threats, some subtle and some not so much.

Chapter 14[]

Blaylock, John Matthew, Rhage, and Zsadist go to a location they found on the cellphones in the backpacks of the recruits. They find a remote, abandoned airplane hangar and evidence of a mass induction of lessers.

Chapter 15[]

Layla's bleeding, but she doesn't want to go to Jane for fear of what Phury would do to Qhuinn so she has Fritz drive her to Havers' clinic.

Chapter 16[]

Fanning out around the hangar, the team finds a lesser and Qhuinn shoots him. Moving faster than a lesser should be capable of after taking a bullet, he shoots Zsadist in the chest before disappearing. To everyone's relief, Z's wearing a bulletproof vest, but in the spray of bullets, one hit him in a small spot under the armpit that was unprotected. Although he's not in immediate danger, he can't dematerialize and they're in a remote stretch of woods, having ghosted in.

Chapter 17[]

The Band of Bastards goes to Naasha to feed from her, amongst other things. Xcor, however, does not participate and the ambush he foresaw does not occur.

Chapter 18[]

Rhage suggests flying Zsadist back in the old, dusty Cessna with a quarter tank of gas stored in the hangar, even though none of them knows how to fly. Qhuinn refuses to allow Rhage to fly Z back because they can't risk losing two Brothers if it crashes and insists on flying it because he sees himself as expendable. Gunshots are fired from the woods and Rhage tosses Z into the plane before going to engage the lessers. Qhuinn manages to take off, although it was questionable whether or not they'd make it off the ground. The lessers soon run out of ammo and they go hand to hand.

Chapter 19[]

Layla gets examined at the clinic and frets over losing the young, even though conception hasn't yet been confirmed.

Chapter 20[]

The engine in the plane goes out and Z threatens to throw Qhuinn out to force him to dematerialize. The engine comes back and Qhuinn gives his phone to Z so he can call Bella; instead, Z pulls up GPS, which works much better than Qhuinn's sense of direction. They're slowly losing altitude and the engine cuts in and out again. Qhuinn knows that his people will be fine if he dies, he's more worried about Bella and Nalla. With Z's guidance, they make it to the mansion.

Chapter 21[]

The team dematerializes back home in time to witness the plane landing hard behind the mansion, tearing up the lawn and garden. It nearly slams headfirst into the back wall but Qhuinn manages to wrench at the last minute to end up parallel to it. Both males are shell-shocked, Qhuinn especially. At Z's request for privacy, Blay, who was first to the Cessna, keeps everyone out while he manages to calm Qhuinn enough that he stops babbling. Bella runs screaming across the destroyed lawn and Blay assists her into the plane so she can see for herself that Z's okay under the circumstances.

The entire household is there and still in shock, Qhuinn's unnerved by all the attention. He apologizes for wrecking the grounds and Wrath waves it off, saying that it'll give the doggen landscaping projects come spring, and points out that it's the second time Qhuinn's saved a Brother. Jane interrupts to get Qhuinn to the clinic where she can check him out and she suggests getting Layla so he can take her vein, which is the final straw and Qhuinn passes out.

Chapter 22[]

A nurse informs Layla that Havers could tell from her blood test that she's a Chosen and furious he was forced to "violate" her, refuses to tell her anything. To him, it doesn't matter that she consented or needed the examination, the Primale could kill him for it. Layla threatens to tell the Primale everything if Havers doesn't talk to her himself, at which point he deigns to tell her that she's not his patient, the Primale and the young she's carrying are his patients. Since she's merely a receptacle and her personhood is of no importance, he will only speak to the Primale about her condition. She tells him that a Chosen's body is her own and asks that he doesn't call the Primale; Havers tells her that she doesn't get to demand anything and is going to keep her there until the Primale arrives. She threatens to strip naked in front of him and walk out that way if necessary, at which point he retreats before inadvertently causing another "violation." The female staff tries to stop her, but she warns them that if anyone touches her, she'll see it as an assault on her "sacred sanctity." They'd better open the door or she'll break it and they might not be able to fix it before dawn.

The Brotherhood, with Zsadist at the forefront, goes to Wrath to nominate Qhuinn for membership since he's already notified them of the changes Saxton's made to the laws. The nomination is unanimous since they see that he's gotten serious about their work and losing his attitude, he put himself at great personal risk to avoid losing two Brothers, he got Z home safe, Qhuinn attacked Xcor so Tohrment could get Wrath out, he's a strong fighter and willing to put his neck out to help any one of them. First, he'll have to be released as John Matthew's ahstrux nohstrum.

Chapter 23[]

Benloise releases Sola from her assignment, telling her she's no longer needed. She figures that since it was urgent when he first hired her for it, but now she's not to even go near the guy or his home, he must have confronted Benloise about her surveillance and scared him. She refuses to take the money for the job since it's less than what they'd initially agreed upon due to Benloise calling it off, she wants the full amount or nothing.

Assail goes to see Benloise on business and passes Sola as she's leaving. Recognizing her parka, he bids her a good evening.

Chapter 24[]

Over the phone with Elan, Xcor makes false promises of protection if he doesn't turn the Bastards over to Wrath at an upcoming meeting that he's called.

Chapter 25[]

Blaylock calls his mom and tells her that he's been someone for nearly a year and they just broke up with him. He finally tells her that he's gay and she's upset, which he assumes is because she's disappointed and tries to end the conversation, but she's upset that he felt he couldn't tell her or his father. As long as he's happy, the gender of his partner doesn't matter to her, although she is unhappy that he called her right before dawn and that she can't hug him. He admits that he didn't plan to come out that way and tells her that he'd been seeing Saxton, whom she knows. She gives the usual sort of motherly advice following a break-up. He asks she doesn't tell his dad as he'd rather do that himself face-to-face, privately, he's worried he'll disappoint Rocke because he's the only son of the last of their family. She asks him about work, but he doesn't want her to think what he does is dangerous. She asks him what kind of idiot does he think she is, at which point he fills her in on the night's escapades.

Saxton comes home smelling of sex and another guy and Qhuinn screams at him in the foyer that he's cheating on Blaylock while he's in danger out in the field. Saxton tells him to mind his own business and Qhuinn starts choking him.

Chapter 26[]

Hearing the fight, Qhuinn finds most of the household gathered around Qhuinn to try and get him to let Saxton go. Blay pulls the fire alarm so the sound distracts everyone enough for him to break through the crowd to get to Qhuinn, who immediately drops his cousin at Blay's command. Once Saxton can breathe again, Blay asks him what happened and he just tells him to talk to Qhuinn.

Furious, he pulls Qhuinn upstairs so he can ask what the hell he was doing. Qhuinn relates the story and reminds him that he promised he'd kill anyone who hurt Blay. He tells Qhuinn to stay out of his business. Apologizing, Qhuinn holds him and Blay allows himself to enjoy the contact for a moment before pulling away. Qhuinn suggests Blay use Qhuinn to get back at Saxton because he'll have Blay anyway that he can, even if it's just one time for revenge. Blay's angry that after pushing him away multiple times, even deliberately hurting him, for so long, now Qhuinn's pulling a 180 even though he's with Layla. Qhuinn repeats what he'd explained earlier, that he and Layla want to be co-parents, not lovers. He even goes to his knees and begs because nearly dying in the plane made things clear for him.

Chapter 27[]

Blaylock doesn't think that Qhuinn's epiphany will last long and soon he'll go back to being emotionally distant. Far too tempted, he leaves abruptly to leave Qhuinn wondering if the heartache he's feeling now was what Blay felt for so long after all the times he pushed Blay away. That day, Blay comes to Qhuinn's bed and they have sex.

Chapter 28[]

Afterwards, Qhuinn's gentleness sends Blay running, telling Qhuinn not to touch him like that. Looking around at the aftermath of his room, he doesn't blame Blay for being upset that Qhuinn was too rough considering they trashed the place; marking him with his scent probably crossed the line. He realizes he's in love with Blay.

Chapter 29[]

Assail receives a summons from Rehvenge as leahdyre of the Council for a meeting where he wants 100% attendance. Sola returns to Assail's and he confronts her at her car when she returns to it even though it's still a little bit light out, covering for his sunglasses by claiming he has sensitive eyes. She denies knowing Benloise and he threatens her for it; he's also attracted to her. He tells her about his warning to Benloise who must have neglected to pass that information along. She's attracted to him as well despite the fact that he's holding her in a fairly painful grip. He wants to know how much she knows about him, which consists of where he lives, but not his name. She does, however, suspect that he's the one taking out smaller drug dealers whose deaths have been ruled suicides.

Chapter 30[]

When Qhuinn stops to check in on Layla, she tells him that she went to Havers' clinic because she's been bleeding, but didn't want to distract him from work by telling him before. She relates Havers' misogynistic rant, withholding information, and that the nurse had said there was nothing to be done anyway if it is a miscarriage. Worried about her own well-being, he goes to get Doc Jane because avoiding confrontation is not worth her life or health and they argue over it, but Qhuinn finds the doctor anyway and discreetly communicates the issue to her. Jane sends him to the Pit to grab her bag.

Qhuinn's confused over the miscarriage because he saw his daughter in a dream and after being with Blaylock, he knows he doesn't want to be with anyone else ever again, which means there will be no other children for him. He barely gets the bag up to Layla's room before Phury kicks the door in demanding to know why he saw Jane running up the stairs two at a time, then Qhuinn run by with her bag, and now he scents blood in Layla's room. He starts beating Qhuinn when he tells Phury that she's pregnant by him. She deserves better than this and Qhuinn doesn't deserve her; he agrees with Phury.

At the sound of the commotion, people gather in the doorway and hall to witness the drama. Layla growls at Phury, ordering him not to touch the father of her child otherwise she'll exact her vengeance upon him while he's asleep. Phury actually backs down and tells her that it's his job to worry about her, which is something he's definitely going to do when she goes through her needing with him without telling anyone and then she doesn't say anything when she requires medical attention. Phury's disdain towards him brings up old, familiar issues for Qhuinn.

Layla formally renounces her Chosen status, declares herself fallen, and then dismisses everyone. Once they're relatively alone, she explains why she conceived with Qhuinn, which changes Phury's attitude a little.

Chapter 31[]

Trez is checking out a warehouse for a new club he's planning on opening when iAm calls to tell him that the high priest is at their condo looking for him. Trez basically blows him off, leaving him to deal with AnsLai.

Jane admits she doesn't know enough about vampire pregnancies and advises that Havers is the most knowledgeable about Layla's situation. Qhuinn tells Phury to claim that he's the father to ensure that Layla's respected at the clinic since she might be turned away if they know she's fallen and pregnant by a defective mutant. She apologizes for disappointing Phury and the Chosen, but she reminds Phury that he did tell them to come to this side and live.

Chapter 32[]

The Band of Bastards hear people in the warehouse above them that they assume are humans, but when Xcor goes to check, he recognizes one of them as a Shadow. A more pressing matter, however, is that he can sense Layla nearby in a car and follows her.

In the car, Phury tells Qhuinn he's not upset because of his heterochromia, it's because Layla's in love with him, which Qhuinn denies and tells him that Layla will confirm that. Phury is not about to broach that topic with Layla while she's suffering a miscarriage. He knows that Qhuinn uses iconoclasm to protect himself, which isn't a problem for him until he breaks the heart of an innocent, particularly one under his protection. Qhuinn tells him that he's changed. So he's going to mate her? Is he certain that it was a mutual decision and not something that he wanted so she went along with it to make him happy because that's something she would do? Qhuinn remains silent, preferring to shoulder the blame if it means less stress for Layla. Phury lectures him for doing this to her, telling him it's wrong and not what a "real male" would do.

Chapter 33[]

Assail put a tracker on Sola's car and follows her home, getting territorial when he sees a light come on, indicating that she lives with someone. Whoever it is, she doesn't want them to know what she does because she's changed out of her camouflage snow gear in her car. Rehvenge calls Assail because he hasn't responded to the Council summons since he has no interest in being on the Council at all. Rehv warns him that if he doesn't attend, then he'll be declaring his allegiance for the wrong side even though Assail has told the Brotherhood that he wants to remain neutral and uninvolved in the war with the Band of Bastards. Unbeknownst to Rehv, Assail has said the same thing to Xcor. Not wanting anything other than to make money, he resigns from the Council.

Chapter 34[]

Following Layla to the clinic, the concrete kiosk makes Xcor think she's going to be imprisoned for unwittingly helping him. He goes to attack, but stops when he smells blood and realizes that the males with her are physically supporting her rather than dragging her. From her scent, he can tell she's pregnant and likely miscarrying, which he recognizes from when he was in an orphanage as a pretrans and women would come to give birth then leave without the infant, if it survived.

Outside the Iron Mask, the boyfriend of the human woman who'd caused problems for him earlier shows up and picks a fight with Trez. He mops the floor with the guy before ensuring that the woman gets home safely.

Chapter 35[]

Layla is shown to a VIP suite and when Havers enters, Qhuinn slams him against the door and holds him at knife-point. He orders the doctor to first apologize to Layla, who's shocked by the violence, but Jane and Phury are just calmly watching. Then he's to inform Layla what's happening to her and address only Layla, no one else Qhuinn throws the male to his knees before Layla. She's losing the young and he knows of nothing that would prevent that. Next, Qhuinn demands Havers tell Layla that she did nothing wrong, which he does and tells her that early miscarriages are common and usually nature's way of preventing defects. Jane confirms that most human miscarriages are not typically human caused. When Qhuinn asks if she's in danger, Havers gathers up the courage to ask if he's her whard, to which Phury says Qhuinn is the father. Even though she's not in love with him, Layla knows he's exactly what she wants in the father of her child: protective, strong, and kind.

Assail follows Sola, who's back in her snow gear, to West Point where she sneaks onto a property in much the same way she did at his home. From the art, level of security, and organization of the house, Assail figures that it's Benloise's.

Chapter 36[]

Xcor knows that Layla's well taken care of. He hadn't even known the clinic existed and lives in the basement of a warehouse. When she leaves, he has to fight the bonded male in him to not take her from the males with her. Instead, he follows her home and discovers the location of the mansion.

Chapter 37[]

Blay and Sax try to settle into friendship.

Sola breaks into the house, using knowledge she'd gained while there for a party a few months prior and devices she'd planted at the time. Breaking into the safe, she intends to steal something worth exactly the amount she's owed, but everything she finds is worth far more than that. After thinking it over, she realizes that Benloise will spend more than that on security upgrades now that she's proved she can bypass them and to drive the point home, she rotates a Degas statue two inches, knowing he'll notice the change right away.

Chapter 38[]

Seeing Layla's suffering that could go on for another week makes Qhuinn regret it all. He offers to stay with her, but she declines because he has a job to do, she's not in any danger, nor does she have the energy to remain strong and keep it together in front of him, plus he would drive her nuts just being in her space and fretting over her.

In the second floor sitting room, Blay offers to help him in any way he needs and Qhuinn asks him plaintively to make it stop. Blay holds him as Qhuinn tells him about the vision he'd had of his daughter when he nearly died from the honour guard, but now feels that he was mistaken. In a need to feel anchored, they have sex.

Chapter 39[]

Following Sola, Assail doesn't understand why she doesn't take anything, just moves the statue slightly. Assail's cousins and employees, Ehric and Evale, went to a sale and found that the street level dealers they were selling to were actually lessers; they come home with the lessers in pieces.

Xcor strategizes attacking the mansion and knows that all he'd have to do is get his hands on one of the shellans to win.

Chapter 40[]

Things are awkward after Blay and Qhuinn have sex.

Chapter 41[]

iAm's pissed at Trez for leaving him to deal with AnsLai alone. Trez would have killed the High Priest if he'd tried to take him back to the Territory, but for now they're trying diplomacy via iAm instead of force. Neither brother can see any way out of Trez's situation.

Beth's upset over what's happening to Layla and Wrath thinks to himself that he refuses to have young because of the risk to her terrifies him. The Brotherhood's holding off on Qhuinn's induction due to the situation with Layla.

Chapter 42[]

Payne approaches Layla and explains that she's the daughter of the Scribe Virgin. As such, she has certain abilities and offers to try and help her save the pregnancy.

Mr. C gets a call from the cellphone of one of his lessers he sent to meet a wholesaler and a guy on the other end tells him where to meet. Mr. C doesn't know with whom he's speaking, although he suspects it's the same one who's been taking out smaller dealers in the area.

Chapter 43[]

Layla asks Payne why and she says that they're both casualties in her mother's tyranny. Layla asks her to please do what she can, but soon worries over the apparent toll the task is taking on Payne and she's unable to move to break their physical connection. Both of them pass out.

Chapter 44[]

Qhuinn knows he's been a coward, hiding behind his attitude. He goes to check on Layla and immediately notices the scent of blood's missing. Leaving her room, he passes Payne who looks like hell and is leaning on her hellren.

Chapter 45[]

Assail, Ehric, and Evale meet with Mr. C and hand him back the pieces of his lessers. The Fore-lesser is surprised that they're willing to do business with him, albeit with several strictures. Unbeknownst to any present, Sola followed Assail and observes the interaction through binoculars.

Chapter 46[]

Once she confirms there are no more signs of miscarriage, she runs to Blay, frantic, and asks him if he can smell if she's still pregnant. Worried, he calls Jane and tries to calm her down. Touched by his kindness, Layla blurts out "no wonder he's in love with you" just before Jane arrives.

Chapter 47[]

A rattled looking Blay lets Qhuinn know that Layla's in the clinic where Jane confirms that the miscarriage appears to have stopped. Qhuinn faints at the news. Blay catches him and cradles his head on his lap, thinking he must have misheard Layla or merely heard what he wanted to hear. When Qhuinn wakes up, he pets Layla's hair as they start to feel hopeful and dealing with the emotional whiplash. Watching them, Blay retreats. It must have been Payne since she's the only one with that ability and he'd talked to her about it the day before. He feels guilty over hiding behind Saxton even though they're not together anymore, but he's not ready to go there with Qhuinn.

Chapter 48[]

Assail goes to Naasha to feed and scents Sola's nearby, he plays erotic mind games with her by making eye contact through the window as he has sex with Naasha.

Chapter 49[]

iAm and Trez go to the Great Camp to see Rehvenge, who asks them to provide backup protection for Wrath at the Council meeting tomorrow night. While there, Trez meets Selena.

Chapter 50[]

Saxton's going on vacation.

The Brotherhood, Lassiter, and Wrath prepare to go to the meeting.

Chapter 51[]

Addressing the Council at Groshe and Naasha's mansion, Wrath essentially tells them that he doesn't play games like they like to do and unlike his father, he's not temperate nor forgiving. He tells them of eight attempts on his father's life and in each instance, the traitor was beheaded and their tongues removed by Wrath the Fair himself. He promises that what he'll do to traitors will make his father's executions look downright merciful.

Chapter 52[]

Assail tails Sola, who's wearing makeup, to a pub where she meets with a human man, which makes him jealous. She's having dinner with her personal trainer, mainly because he looks a lot like Assail.

Chapter 53[]

Elan asks Tohr about a personal meeting with Wrath about a rumour going around about an assassination attempt and digs for information. Tohr gives away nothing, of course, and asks from whom he heard it. Elan throws Assail under the bus, telling Tohr that Assail talked about the possibility with Elan before the alleged attempt.

The Band of Bastards kills some lessers and find drugs on them.

Chapter 54[]

Sola goes on a date with her personal trainer, Mark Sanchez, but there's not the same chemistry between them like there is between her and Assail. She spends most of the date thinking about Assail instead. As they're leaving, she suspects that they're being watched and assumes it must be Benloise.

Qhuinn goes to check on Layla and she tells him that Payne saved the pregnancy.

Sola's watcher was Assail, who approaches her. When she lays into him for watching her, he tells her that he knew she was watching him the night before with Naasha. The sexual tension between them escalates as he can scent her response to him and knows just how to push her buttons to amp it up. They share a passionate kiss before his phone rings, interrupting them. Sola takes advantage of the distraction to leave.

Chapter 55[]

Qhuinn goes to talk to Payne and is shocked by how weakened she is. She confesses that she thinks she's losing her gift for healing because each time it takes more and more effort; what she did for Layla nearly killed her. She suspects she has to go to the Sanctuary to recharge. He vows to be there for her should she ever call on him for help and thanks her, she tells him that he should be thanking Blaylock.

Rehvenge calls Assail to tell him that when Wrath met with the Council, someone named him as being in with the Band of Bastards on the attempt on Wrath's life. Since the king and Rehvenge both know that Elan was lying, they offer up his name in case Assail wants to do something about it. Either way, Elan will be dead in 24 hours.

Chapter 56[]

Qhuinn runs to Blay and kisses him, thanking him for talking to Payne, who says the thought to try hadn't even occurred to her. Their moment's interrupted by Rhage summoning everyone to a meeting with Tohrment over schedules. Blay and Qhuinn make plans to meet after dawn.

Chapter 57[]

Assail infiltrates Elan's mansion.

Xcor's on the phone with Elan, so the entire Band of Bastards listens to the long and messy murder, providing colour commentary. Once it's over, Xcor addresses Assail through the still open line and promises to ahvenge the loss of his partner, although he's sure Elan deserved it. Xcor finds that he likes Assail.

Chapter 58[]

When they wake up in the evening, Blaylock and Qhuinn make plans to meet again in the morning.

Rhage, John Matthew, Blay, and Qhuinn return to where they found the hangar to search the woods, which they find empty of lessers or anything of use to them.

Chapter 59[]

Beth is hanging out with Layla and admits that she really wants young with Wrath. Layla tells her that a Needing can be triggered if a female spends a lot of time in the company of one who's pregnant.

Sola goes to Assail's house to ask him to stop following her and in return she'll leave him alone. She has no problems playing games, but feels that things are getting out of control. He doesn't take her up on the offer, instead telling her that it's too late to back out now. While leaving, she sees a long, bloody knife

Chapter 60[]

Qhuinn finds one of the cabins has electricity running through the handle of the front door, which shocks him when he touches it. Rhage breaks down the door and inside they find barrels full of the Omega's blood. They find Qhuinn's brother, Luchas, severely injured and unconscious in one of them.

Chapter 61[]

Vishous arrives, summoned by Rhage, and after confirming that Luchas wasn't tainted by the Omega, gets him stabilized enough to talk. Luchas' first words are to ask Qhuinn to kill him.

Chapter 62[]

Seeing his brother again brings up Qhuinn's ugly past with his family and he leans on Blay for emotional support. He admits that he only made it through the crap from his family because of Blay and his parents.

Vishous warns Qhuinn that if there are signs that Luchas was corrupted, he'll have to take care of it, and because of that, they can't bring him into the mansion. Butch and Manny arrive on snowmobiles and Qhuinn asks Blay to ride with him as he takes one to get Luchas out to where the Escalade is parked. In the SUV, Blay reminds Qhuinn, as usual, to put on his seatbelt and he does, for once.

Chapter 63[]

Trez feels a migraine coming on and leaves the club in Xhex's hands; she asks iAm to make sure Trez gets home safely. Xhex and iAm are both concerned because it's his second headache in as many weeks. Back at the Shadows' condo that they share, one of Trez's flings managed to get in and wait for him as a surprise. He tosses her out and threatens to call the cops and tell them that she's a drug addict who's stalking him if she tries anything like that again.

Chapter 64[]

Qhuinn is still in a bad headspace while waiting for the medical team to finish working on Luchas, who has a ton of broken bones and internal bleeding. He almost confesses his love to Blay when V interrupts with an update on his brother.

Chapter 65[]

After getting Trez settled, iAm heads up to Rehv's penthouse where he tells Rehv about how Trez was promised to the queen's daughter since birth. He's worried about Trez's sex addiction and that he might kill whoever the s'Hisbe send to bring him back. iAm tells him that he wants to move into the Brotherhood's compound because it will be the safest place for them.

During some down time, Xcor thinks about Layla.

Chapter 66[]

Luchas makes it through surgery and tells Qhuinn that Lash had only kept him alive because of what Luchas had done to Qhuinn in the Honor Guard. Lash tried to turn him, but when his attempts were unsuccessful, lessers beat him and left him in the barrel full of the Omega's blood, which put him in a sort of stasis.

Chapter 67[]

After feeding from Selena, Blay and Qhuinn have sex in an exam room.

Chapter 68[]

Assail hasn't slept for two or three days, partially because he's been using cocaine to stay awake. In a fairly manic state, he's fixated on Sola even as he's handling his deals with the Lessening Society and Benloise.

Trez wakes up to find iAm packing them up to move in with the Brotherhood and iAm explains that Rehvenge went to Wrath with his request. Wrath agreed because he appreciated their assistance at the Council meeting and thinks that the two of them will be another line of defense at the mansion; the brothers surmise that the king might be worried about a raid. iAm warns Trez that moving will only buy him some time, it won't free him from the queen.

Chapter 69[]

That night, Qhuinn's woken up by people in black robes and immediately flashes back to the night the Honor Guard almost killed him. Determined to take a couple of them out first, he attacks before getting slammed face first into the wall by Vishous, who talks him out of the fight response. The rest of the Brothers identify themselves and V releases him, carefully. Qhuinn's next assumption is that they're kicking him out of the mansion, until Wrath begins the induction ceremony. Then Qhuinn realizes what the special project Saxton had been working on for the king was and why he'd been released as John's ahstrux nohtrum.

Hearing the sound of several pairs of booted feet walking down the hallway followed by the sound of something being thrown in Qhuinn's room, Blay runs over and finding the Brotherhood all in black robes, also assumes it's another Honor Guard until he hears the Brothers speaking. Blay also puts two and two together and quietly leaves them to it. He's glad that Luchas is alive to see it because he thinks that will be important.

Saxton returns from visiting his aunt in Florida.

Chapter 70[]

Qhuinn goes through the ceremony and is grateful for the hood that hides his tears as he gets choked up that they're accepting him as one of them.

Chapter 71[]

When Marisol gets home, her grandmother tells her that a man stopped by, but only has a description, no name. Naturally, that worries Marisol, who assumes it was Assail, although she still doesn't know his name. Mrs. Carvalho has no idea how her granddaughter supports them both.

Assail followed the tracking device that was still on Sola's Audi and watches her talk with her grandmother. She comes outside and they do some more verbal dancing until she mentions that he'd already spoken to Mrs. Carvalho, but he tells her that he hadn't been to the house earlier, he'd only just arrived, so he couldn't have spoken to her grandmother. She's worried and doesn't want his help. He's protective and tells her that he's going to help anyway.

Chapter 72[]

Qhuinn and the Brothers are in a celebratory mood as he takes in his name on the wall and the sheer number of lesser jars along the corridor. Back at the mansion, however, he stops in his tracks when he sees Blay and Saxton talking and laughing. Layla greets him with a hug.

Chapter 73[]

Inside her kitchen, Sola and Assail exchange names and he gives her his phone number to call if the mystery stranger shows up again. She tries to decline the offer, but he's insistent. They're about to kiss when her grandmother calls down the stairs to ask who she's talking to. Not wanting her grandmother to catch her with Assail, Sola shoos him out the door even though he wants to meet Mrs. Carvalho.

An associate of Elan's calls Xcor with plans against Wrath involving Beth since, as a half-breed, any heirs by her won't be full-blooded, which is a requirement of the Old Laws. Xcor's reluctant to attack the mansion since Layla lives there. The unknown associate plans to first gather legal precedents regarding the term "full-blooded" before proceeding. Xcor gives him a week.

Chapter 74[]

Not wanting to watch Blay and Sax together, Qhuinn leaves the party to check on Luchas, who, to Qhuinn's surprise, still thinks of him as his brother, despite their father disowning him. Since there were no living relatives to inherit the family home, it went to the king who gave it to Qhuinn; he offers it to Luchas, who declines. Luchas doesn't understand how Qhuinn doesn't hate him, but Qhuinn tells him that neither of them had any choice in their futures. Their lives were predetermined by their father and since he hated Qhuinn, that meant Qhuinn had more freedom than Luchas.

Blay and Qhuinn argue over both of them hiding their involvement from everyone else, Blay assuming that Qhuinn's ashamed to be seen with him like that and Qhuinn assuming that Blay's in love with Saxton. Blay tries to get him to admit that he's gay, or at least bisexual, and doesn't believe Qhuinn when he says that Blay's the only male he's ever been with. It's an ugly fight that brings up many of their issues.

Chapter 75[]

A week later, Layla and Tohr are both worried about Qhuinn.

Blay comes out to his father, Rocke, who doesn't bat an eye and doesn't see it as a challenge, despite the glymera's values and importance placed on continuing the male line.

Chapter 76[]

After spending most of the week in New York City on work, Sola returns home at night to find her grandmother asleep. Sola's ambushed by two men in black ski masks who knock her over the head and throw her in the trunk of their car, speeding off.

Eager to get out of the house, Layla drives to the spot where she met Xcor and is conflicted over her feelings for a traitor.

Chapter 77[]

Trez has been hoping to run into Selena at the mansion when she comes to service the Brothers' blood needs. His wish is granted, although he's awkward. They're interrupted by Rhage, who she's there to feed. At work, Trez feels numb and stuck in a neverending limbo, taking a woman up on her offer of sex out of habit rather than interest.

Chapter 78[]

Throe and Xcor meet with Elan's associate, who's a solicitor. He, and others of the glymera, are worried that a half-breed heir would want a human mate. During the meeting, Xcor senses that Layla's left the compound and goes to her.

Qhuinn goes to the Iron Mask to drink his problems away. He's so angsty even the goth club goers give him the side-eye.

Chapter 79[]

Assail's antsy after not having seen Marisol for several days and then he gets a voicemail from Mrs. Carvalho. When he calls her back, she tells him that Sola came home, but left immediately after arriving. She woke up when she heard someone moving downstairs and called out Sola's name, but no one answered and then there was a "hard, loud noise." Going downstairs, she found the front door wide open and since Sola had always warned her not to call the police, she called the phone number on Sola's nightstand with his name on it.

He dematerializes over to Sola's house and finds the snow in the yard's kicked up by different sets of feet leading to the street. Mrs. Carvalho tells him that it's been about 15 or 20 minutes. He helps calm and reassure the elderly woman, promising to bring Marisol back, although privately he's worried that it's not about ransom money. He goes to pay Benloise a visit.

Chapter 80[]

Layla's sitting in Fritz's Mercedes and watching the snow fall when Xcor finds her. He disarms, placing all of his weapons on the hood of the car, and she unlocks the doors. He discovers she's pregnant and she explains that she wanted young even though she's not in a relationship with the father. He wishes he was the father instead and worries that she might be mistreated for having helped him. She asks him if he has to be the enemy of the Brotherhood, but he tells her it's too late after what's been done. Before leaving, he shows her his number on his cellphone and understands if she gives it to the Brotherhood.

Chapter 81[]

Beth's worried because she can't find Layla and they were supposed to hang out together and she can't find Qhuinn, so she asks Blay if he knows anything. Blay's first thought, which he keeps to himself, is that they're on a date. He asks Fritz, who informs them that Layla took the Mercedes out alone two hours ago. Blay's next step is to ask V to track the car, but there's no immediate response.

Blay goes to the Iron Mask to look for Qhuinn and finds him turning down offers of sex. Beth texts to let him know that Layla was back safe from her joyride and they're watching TV. When Blay approaches Qhuinn, Qhuinn assumes it's another interested hookup and tells him to fuck off until he looks up to see who it is. Blay starts to apologize, but Qhuinn cuts him off and tells him that he was right. He admits that after everything with his family, he couldn't deal with another "strike against" him. He wasn't aware of all the ways his family was still living in his head and affecting his life and choices out of fear that they would hate him even more. He admits that he's been in love with Blay for years and he screwed up his chances. Blay's response is to blurt out that he and Saxton broke up two weeks ago.

Chapter 82[]

Things are a little awkward as Blaylock and Qhuinn clear the air, until Blay tells him that things weren't working with Saxton because he was in love with Qhuinn. Another interested human approaches Qhuinn and Blay pulls a bonded male act on her, telling her that Qhuinn's with him and to back off, all but flashing fangs. They kiss and Blay gives Qhuinn his signet ring, telling him that there's nothing wrong with him and that he's proud of him and loves him. Blay tells him that from now on, he's Qhuinn's family and Qhuinn starts crying.

Chapter 83[]

Two weeks later, Blaylock and Qhuinn are quite happy and living together, although their early evening is cut short by Butch requesting fashion advice from Blay at the Pit. As soon as Blay's out the door, Qhuinn scrambles to shower, shave, and shine at a dead run. Tohr and Rhage show up with a Tom Ford tuxedo picked out by Butch with Lassiter and V right on their heels, followed shortly by iAm and Trez, then Phury, Z, and Rehvenge. Touched by their support, they finally leave him to get dressed. He heads downstairs just as Rocke and Lyric arrive and they greet him with open arms. Lyric starts crying because she's thrilled to have another son. Vishous calls out a warning that Blay's coming and tells everyone to "scatter."

Blay's confused as to how he ended up in a tuxedo since Butch had somehow convinced him to "model" it for Vishous to convince him that he needed one. Getting back to the main house, his confusion intensifies as he finds the house lit only by candlelight until he sees Qhuinn standing in the middle of the foyer. Qhuinn kneels on top of the apple tree mosaic and tells him that although he doesn't have a ring or fancy words, he loves Blay, who cuts him off and tells him yes. The household and Blay's parents come out of the shadows to congratulate them. Blay's stunned to learn that Qhuinn had asked Rocke's permission first.

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