Black Dagger Brotherhood Wiki

"The man himself was like his environment: neat, officious, and uncluttered in his thinking. In fact, he proved that however illicit the drug trade was, the management principles and interpersonal skill sets of a CEO went a long way if you wanted to make millions in it - and keep your money." -Assail[1]

Ricardo Benloise was a human drug dealer working out of his otherwise legitimate art gallery, which sometimes put him at odds with Assail and Rehvenge in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward. He was in business with his brother, Eduardo, and employed Sola Morte on occasion.

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The eldest of three siblings, Ricardo grew up poor[2] in South America with a traditional mother. In Caldwell, he ran drugs wholesale out of his art gallery with his brother, Eduardo, handling the finances.[3] He hired Sola Morte to spy on Assail, but when Assail learned what was happening, he threatened Benloise until he cancelled the job with her. Angry that he didn't pay her the full amount they'd originally agreed upon, she broke into his house with the intention of stealing something worth the exact amount of the remainder. She only found items worth a lot more than that so instead she moved a Degas statue slightly out of place, which she knew Benloise would immediately notice. In retaliation, he had her kidnapped with the intention of torturing and likely killing her. To get Sola back, Assail kidnapped and tortured Ricardo and his brother until Eduardo gave up her location. When they were done, Assail killed them both.[4]


Fearing change, he prized neatness, organization, and security.[2] Vitoria described him as disciplined and decisive.[5]

Physical Description[]

He was "diminutive"[1] and wore bespoke suits, heavy gold jewelry, and a diamond Chopard watch.[6]


  • Trilingual: English, Spanish, and Portuguese[2]


Sola Morte[]

He was fond of Sola and attracted to her.


  • He owned a maroon Mercedes AMG.[7]
  • Every night before he left for work at the gallery, he walks through his home to admire his possessions and property.[2]
  • Amongst the art filling his house was a bronze Degas statue of a ballerina.[2]
  • He hated the smell of woodsmoke.[2]


