Black Dagger Brotherhood Wiki

"That the male could be so kind to his patients and so cruel to her personally seemed like an insupportable contradiction. But that was the glymera for you. Double standards abounded. And typically were used to screw daughters, sisters, and mothers."

-Marissa's opinion of her glymera brother[1]

The glymera is the aristocracy of vampire society and is full of misogyny, backstabbing, ableism, and plots.


When a family disowns someone, a lot of paperwork is involved and when that goes through, their name is stricken from the family tree that acts as their birth certificate, the birth certificates of any siblings, and the parents' marriage scroll. A declaration of disinheritance, the renunciation of parentage, and a petition for expulsion are filed with the Princeps Council, which then strikes the name from the aristocracy's genealogical file and notifies all the glymera families.[2]


Female doggen and females of the glymera are often paired while they're young in the hopes they'll form a life-long mistress/servant relationship. The maid is often considered one of the most important part of what the female brings with her when she mates a male of suitable breeding. The doggen will be her sanity, tie to her past, and often the only one she can trust in her new home.[3]

Founding Families[]

There are six Founding Families, and on the Princeps Council, only the representatives from these bloodlines are allowed to vote.[4] Known members of these bloodlines include:


Coming-Out Party[]

The equivalent of a debutante ball, all females of the glymera have one a year after their transition. The first dance is always with her father.[5]

Signet Rings[]

Traditionally, after a male has gone through the change, their father presents them with a gold signet ring to symbolize their transition into adulthood.[6]

Prison Camp[]

It was mentioned in The Jackal, that the glymera created and was in charge of the prison camps before 1808 (two decades before the start of the book). The glymera became bored with prisons and no longer controlled them. Eventually, a prisoner that gained power controlled the prison.

Social Norms[]

Anyone who doesn't fit within the box is ostracized from society, even for something as minuscule as being born with eyes of two different colours.

  • Despite the biological imperative, it's unseemly for a female to appear in public with a bite mark[7] or without a corset.[8]
  • It's common for a mated couple in the glymera to have separate bedrooms, however, they're not usually adjoining.[7]
  • To the glymera, female survivors of sexual assault bring shame to their family by threatening the purity of the bloodline and are typically shunned to preserve the family's fortunes and standing.[9]
  • A female from a Founding Family never allows another other than her mate to take her vein and she only feeds under strict supervision from a male family member. If she does feed a male to whom she's not mated, it's akin to giving her virginity away before mating.[10]

