"The Omega had arrived from out of nowhere, the Evil's white robes shining brightly, the black shadow underneath looking like an optical illusion." -Mr. C[1]
The Omega is an evil deity capable only of destruction and is the counterpart to balance out his sister, the Scribe Virgin, in the Black Dagger Brotherhood and Black Dagger Legacy series by JR Ward. Envious of his sister, he's determined to eradicate her creation, the vampire race, and as such is the primary antagonist in the two series.
The Omega is evil as a counterpoint to his sister's goodness so that their creation didn't disturb the balance of the universe. Envious of her gift of a single creation, he set out to wipe vampires out of existence and formed the Lessening Society, an organization of undead humans, to achieve that goal
Seeing a loophole in the prohibition against creation, he impregnated a female vampire to create a son, Lash, as a response to the Dhestroyer.[2] He made sure that Lash was discovered by vampires to be taken in and raised as one of their own. Once Lash went through his transition, had some training courtesy of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, and most importantly, knew where to hunt most vampires, he turned Lash to his side.
He's normally fickle, but can be rather focused, such as during lessening society inductions. Demanding, misogynist, and sadistic, he is evil incarnate.
Physical Description[]
He appears in the real world as a male figure in tattered white robes with an aura of evil, underneath he is a ghostly black form. When cut, he bleeds black oil just like lessers do.[3] When Lash visited him in Dhunhd, he describes his father as dressing as flamboyantly as Liberace.
- Time travel[2]
- Creating undead humans
- He can control the bodies of his lessers like they're puppets.
- He can sense his sister and knows that every time one of her vampires dies, she feels the pain and loss.[2]
- Energy orbs[4]
- High-pitched howling[4]
- Enhanced strength[5]
- Floats[6]
It's strongly implied that he has a sexual relationship with his Fore-lesser, no matter who's in the role, and is extremely sadistic towards them. He changes them on a whim.
Although he has no regard for any life whatsoever, including his own Lessers, he was fond of Lash and worried about him, wanted the best for him.[2] While preparing to bring Lash back from the dead, he crooned a lullaby and comments on his son's appearance like a proud new parent.[3] After Lash became part Lesser, the Omega often sought emotional validation and admiration from his son.[7] The Omega ordered a new Forelesser, "the Little Shit," to kill Lash for asking to turn a female vampire so he could feed since regular lesser blood wasn't working.[8]
The Scribe Virgin[]
The Omega loved his sister and was eaten alive with jealousy over how the vampires occupied her time.
- The Omega spends a lot of time in bed with horny, oily, black creatures of indeterminate sex.[7]
- When returning from the Omega's lair, at best, a person is cold and wiped out for at least 30 minutes afterward; at worst, they're in extreme pain for quite some time.
- Dark Lover
- Lover Awakened
- Lover Revealed
- Lover Enshrined
- Lover Mine
- Lover at Last
- The Beast
- The Sinner
- Lover Arisen
- ↑ Lover at Last, Ch. 3
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Lover Enshrined, Prologue
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Lover Enshrined, Ch. 20
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Sinner Ch. 21
- ↑ The Sinner Ch. 22
- ↑ The Sinner Ch. 39
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Lover Mine, Ch. 11
- ↑ Lover Mine, Ch. 25